drug n. 1.药,药品,药物,药剂。 2.〔俚语〕麻醉药品,麻醉剂,使人上瘾的毒品 (=narcotic drugs)。 3.〔pl.〕 〔美国〕卫生用品[牙刷、牙膏等]。 4.滞销货。 poisonous drug 毒药。 This drug will do you good. 这种药能治你的病。 the drug habit 常用麻醉剂的习惯,吸毒瘾。 go on drugs 吸毒。 a drug in [〔美国〕 on] the market 滞销货。 vt. (-gg-) 1.在(酒、食物等中)渗(麻醉)药,下(麻醉)药于。 2.使服(麻醉)药,使麻醉。 3.使沉醉;毒化。 a cup of drugged coffee 一杯下了麻药的咖啡。 drugged sleep 服下麻醉药后的熟睡。 She was drugged against the pain. 她服麻醉药止痛。 be drugged with sleep 睡觉太多而昏昏沉沉。 vi. 常用麻药;吸毒上瘾。
A drug cartel called'dinosaurs'was exposed to the world 一个名叫"恐龙"的贩毒集团曝光了
Sam gets involved with a drug cartel when she learns that one of her clients is illegally laundering drug money through the montecito 曼霞发现她的客户利用蒙地西图洗黑钱,自己因此卷入该贩毒组织。
An armed man stands guard at the garage of a home in tijuana, mexico, during a police operation to hunt down drug cartel hitmen 在墨西哥蒂华纳警方一次打击毒品打手的行动中,一名持枪的男子在一家车库中站岗。
More than 100 people have been killed this year in the north-east border city, the majority in violence related to the battle for control of the territory between two of mexico's biggest drug cartels 目前为止,今年已经有超过100人在这个墨西哥东北的边境城市遇害,其中多数案件都和墨西哥境内最大的两个贩毒集团间,因争夺势力范围所引起的火拚脱不了关系。